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Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, Québec Produits et services en ligne


User guides for GESTIM


Guides are at your disposition in order to help you to navigate through GESTIM and have a better use of what the site has to offer. These guides give information about mining titles consultation, forms and service to members.



User guides


1- Map Designation in GESTIM

2- Map Consultation in GESTIM

3- Claim Renewal in GESTIM

4- Group of Titles (Property) in GESTIM

5- Delegate a Manager in GESTIM

6- Request of Payment in GESTIM

7- Annual Report of Work in GESTIM

8- Payment of Annual Rent for a Mining Lease (BM) in GESTIM

9- Annual  Report of Surface Mineral Substances Extraction (Consolidated Materials and Peat Moss) in GESTIM

10- Annual Report of Surface Mineral Substances Extraction (Unconsolidated Materials) in GESTIM

11- Map Consultation GESTIM Geoportal

12- Work Declaration












Gouvernement du Québec

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